Chiropractic care presents a promising avenue for addressing paresthesia, the abnormal sensation of tingling, numbness, and burning often associated with nerve dysfunction. Through spinal adjustments and manipulations, chiropractors aim to correct misalignments or subluxations that may compress nerves and impede proper nerve signaling. By restoring proper spinal alignment, chiropractic adjustments alleviate pressure on nerves, facilitating improved nerve function and circulation. Additionally, chiropractors may employ adjunctive therapies such as massage, electrical stimulation, or stretching exercises to alleviate nerve compression further and enhance nerve regeneration. This holistic approach targets symptomatic relief and addresses underlying musculoskeletal issues that may be exacerbating nerve dysfunction. Overall, chiropractic care offers a conservative and effective approach to managing paresthesia, enhancing nerve function, and improving quality of life.

Managing your paresthesia symptoms requires first discovering their root cause. If it’s physical nerve injury that’s causing your pain, tingling, or numbness then chiropractic can help relieve pressure from any injured nerve via chiropractic adjustments. To schedule an appointment, please call 860-621-2225. Our clinic is located at 200 Queen St., Southington.

P.S. Acupuncture is very effective at helping nerves conditions such as paresthesia.

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