Ballet dancers, in particular, may be susceptible to injuries involving the “talonavicular joint”, which is formed by the “talus”(the bottom half of the ankle joint) and the foot bone immediately in front of it ( the “navicular” ). Acting as a keystone for the bony structures of the foot, the navicular can be stressed by compressive weight-bearing forces that are repetitive or beyond what the bone can withstand. For instance, excessive and/or intensive running, jumping, sprinting, or dancing can lead to stiffness and swelling that limit the joint’s rotational movement. To treat these problems, the chiropractor will likely recommend cessation of inappropriate or excessive training or activity, while simultaneously addressing poor foot posture, biomechanics, and balance through joint manipulation and mobilization. Like most dance, ballet requires exertion and repetitive movements. Combined with extensive bursts of practices, the training creates conditions where injury is common. Dancers who seek regular chiropractic care often see improvements in their range of motion, flexibility, and overall dance performance. Other benefits include the reduction of injuries and a decreased in the chance of future injury occurring. To schedule an appointment, please call 860-621-2225 or visit us at 200 Queen St., Southington.

P.S. Typical symptoms of talonavicular arthritis include pain and stiffness in the morning that eases off with activity but later becomes constant, as well as worse, in damp, cold weather.

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