​One person in five suffers from "fallen arches" (technically known as "pes planus" ), Which may affect one or both feet. "Rigid" flat feet remain flat all the time. , while "flexible" flat feet have arches that collapse only when weight is put on them . Over time, flexible flat feet may become more rigid. Flat feet tend to run in families, and their incidence increases with age. They may arise as a result of congenital bone deformities or bone/soft tissue injury. In older individuals, they may result from overstretching and degeneration of the posterior tibial tendon on the inside of the ankle. In any case ,fallen arches can lead to overpronation, which can lead to foot, ankle, knee, hip and back pain.

Anyone who walks a lot has probably had pain in their feet at some point. All those who work on their feet know that it's not easy to ignore pain that radiates up from the feet into the back. There are a few causes of foot pain that chiropractic can solve just as easily ( sometimes more easily) that other kinds of doctors. To schedule an appointment for chiropractic care, please call 860-621-2225. Our practice is located at 200 Queen St., Southington. We combine skill and experience that truly spans the entire chiropractic wellness spectrum.

P.S. Chiropractors are trained to look for signs of over pronation (wherein the foot rolls inward too much) and other gait problems. Addressing the sources of these problems often helps to alleviate pain in other parts of the body.

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